Hey there!
I've decided to do another 'Finding Fashion' post where I look at hot and young new talent. I think it's important to support individuals with a fashion drive are ACTING ON IT! This week I talk to Elizaveta about her hand made headbands.
Age: 21
Brand name: Liroff Headbands
"Many see headbands as either something for school or as a significant statement piece but, sometimes, all you need is a modern-day crown. Something you can wear for both casual and special occasions to become a modern day princess. It is the sort of accessory that does not just compliment you or your style – it is capable of putting you in a completely different mind-set."
How long have you been making the headbands?
"It's been a couple of years. I can’t say it is an extremely regular activity though. Due to work and other commitments, I cannot dedicate my full time to them."
What got you started?
I've had some previous experience in creating bracelets and necklaces as a hobby. My mother used to work closely with a number of Russian designers and she often took me to their ateliers after she picked me up from school. The appointments normally lasted a couple of hours and so the ladies there taught me the basics in embroidery and other bead/crystal related tasks. Later on this turned out to be a very useful hobby – perfect for unique presents. "
I guess quite a few things fell into place, and then a little bit of boredom triggered the whole thing."
Where do you find inspiration when making a new piece?
"I cannot say I have one particular inspiration – sometimes I see a jewel or bead (I often use old jewellery to I absolutely love fairytales – and sometimes I see each headband as related to a certain princess who I try to imagine whilst working on a particular headband. In terms of inspiration behind the actual work – my boyfriend has always been an incredible support and encouraged me to follow and pursue my hobbies and interests. Being someone’s ‘princess’ definitely sets you in an incredible mind set for creating “royal headwear”."
make new pieces) and suddenly a whole story evolves around it. It is a bit like writing a story – you have an event, or a character and then you develop and embellish it.
Do you have a favourite piece?
"Probably my favourite piece is the very first headband I made. It has a lot of memories related to it and symbolises a start of something that became quite an important part of my life."
I personally loved reading about Eliza's journey and hope you did too! If you're interested in her stuff, e-mail her at liroffheadbands@hotmail.co.uk and you can either find out what's in stock or even ask for something in particular!
Don't forget to follow her on instagram to stay up to date with all her new stuff.
Stay beautiful x
My fun new headband for the summer from the woman herself (Thanks girl!) |
Hey! Probably this is my favoirite post so far! Beautiful pieces! Hope she keeps going! Really liked how u edited the text too! Like highlighting etc. ;)